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Writer's pictureAmerican National Movers

Flat Rate Moving BBB Scam

As of 2023, Flat Rate Moving has 115 complaints registered on their BBB profile within the last three years. Flat Rate Moving has several complaints warning the consumer of Flat Rate Moving's Deceptive business practices such as hidden costs, extra charges, extortion, damages, and unprofessionalism. However, the BBB still provides Flat Rate Moving with an A+ Rating. Why? The Better Business Bureau is not a governmental agency. The Better Business Bureau is a marketing agency that appears to be in favor of the public. However, this is not the case, The Better Business Bureau charges several moving companies a monthly subscription to display a positive rating and an accreditation badge, but none of which is earned. The Better Business Bureau is a scam, a rip-off to both the public and the contractor; however, moving companies like Flat Rate Moving take advantage of this exploit and agree to pay a lot of money so that they can have a listing in good standing with the BBB. The average consumer goes on The Better Business Bureau to check for a company's rating; once you see an accreditation badge and a photo with an A+ Rating, the consumer is already sold on that business; a lot of customers will not even take a few minutes to read what the reviews are saying, this is because to view these complaints, you have to click a link. When someone sees a website called "The Better Business Bureau," they assume credibility; The Better Business Bureau has no authority, you can get scammed by a moving company like Flat Rate Moving, which has an A+ Rating, and the BBB will do nothing. You can see what customers are saying about their Flat Rate. Moving experience here - FlatRate Moving | Complaints | Better Business Bureau® Profile (

The Better Business Bureau is not a legitimate source to check a moving company's reliability rating; a moving company, or any company in general, can have several negative reviews and still maintain an A+ Rating. The Better Business Bureau is free for the consumer to view "ratings" However, The Better Business Bureau is a non-profit organization for the website viewer, not the business owner. This is why you can see some listings with several negative ratings and still display a positive rating and an accreditation badge; a Better Business Bureau accreditation badge is not earned. The moving company pays for it; if you search for a moving company near you, and stumble across their Better Business Bureau rating with an accreditation badge, make sure you check for reviews and complaints, as the Better Business Bureau does not inform the viewer of this business practice. This is no different from paying a website to list favorable reviews on its platform; ultimately, this drives more sales as it builds credibility. Paying a monthly subscription to the Better Business Bureau may be worth it to a moving company as you can use this tactic to blindsight a customer, talk about pay to play right? The Better Business Bureau is an outright scam to both the viewer and the business; if you are a business owner, do not open up an account with The Better Business Bureau; if you do, prepare for your business to get extorted. If you are a consumer shopping around for a moving company, do not trust The Better Business Bureau, you can find a moving company with a positive BBB Rating and still get scammed.

Flat Rate Moving Yelp Reviews.

As of 2023, Flat Rate Moving maintains a 2.5-star rating with Yelp; on Flat Rate's Yelp profile, many consumers warn of expensive items being stolen, broken, and/or "lost" ironically, Flat Rate Moving does not honor their company slogan, "Flat Rate" instead hundreds of consumers state that they have been charged additional fees from anywhere between $2,000.00-$10,000.00. Check reviews from Flat Rate Moving on Yelp here- FLATRATE MOVING - 1195 Photos & 1315 Reviews - 936 Broadway, New York, NY - Yelp. If you already signed a contract with Flat Rate Moving, cancel it immediately; if Flat Rate Moving is already in possession of your belongings, then you likely already have experienced what has been explained; remain calm and do not argue, as your belonging are already in control of the mover, the worst thing you can do is upset Flat Rate Moving and end up with stolen/missing items, damages additional fees and more. Since Flat Rate Moving's 5-star rating is almost down to 1 on yelp, how can Flat Rate Moving have a positive rating with the BBB? The Better Business Bureau is pay-to-play. That is why many businesses have a clear negative track record with fraudulent tendencies, and the BBB still provides that business with an accreditation badge and a positive rating. Flat Rate Moving's accreditation badge is a monthly subscription; this holds true for every moving company or any company for that matter.

Flat Rate Moving FMCSA Review.

Flat Rate Moving DOT#488466 has some registered complaints on a federal site - These complaints consist of; hostage moves, deceptive business practices, insurance, and final charges complaints. Overall I do not recommend doing business with Flat Rate Moving; not only is this mover much more expensive than their moving competitor, Flat Rate Moving also is not an honest moving company by any means.

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